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Sharía para musulmanes

Todas las comunidades tienen que poder juzgarse por su propia ley (basada en su forma de ver el mundo, según sus tradiciones). Pero, a la vez, esta ley particular tiene que alinearse (hacerse compatible) con la comunidad superior de la que forma parte.

Education, the next bubble

Another bubble coming to burst: the investment in higher education made in the US since the mid 20th century. Despite the artificial demand created by foreigners and single-kid parents, there is no reasonable return for this inflated investment.

Enough History of Governments

History we study at schools is 95% history of governments (kings and wars). Our fixation with power has prevented us from learning the important things form the past

Only bad news are worthy

A survival strategy that Nature impose to humans is to make them more sensitive to negative information than to positive, in order to react to whatever may be going wrong. This is why every generation mostly feels that the world is going downhill. And this is why nobody would read a newspaper with only good news of people doing their duty.

Los Chinos no tuvieron pecado original

El pensamiento clásico chino ha perdido demasiado tiempo debatiendo si el hombre es naturalmente bueno (Confucio) o malo (legalismo, Xunzi),  por no saber de la teoría del Pecado Original, de la explicación de que el hombre es naturalmente bueno en su intención, pero defectuoso en su ejecución.

Creation never happened

God creates the universe not in the past (big bang) but in the present; not from above but from within.