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La cultura es más animal que espiritual

Cultura es una cierta constancia, un patrón, en las actividades espirituales del hombre: arte, técnica, lenguaje. Dar el pecho a un bebé no es cultura; cómo hacerlo, sí.
“Patrón” y “espíritu” (es decir, libertad) parecen dos cosas opuestas y lo son. Es que cultura está más cerca de nuestra parte animal que de la espiritual. Son las enseñanzas sobre cómo vivir con las que una generación ayuda a otra. En los animales está programado. En el hombre no.

Se acerca una Extinción Masiva de Científicos

A medida que se va descubriendo la interconexion de todo lo Natural (complejidad + emergencia), va quedando claro lo inadecuado que es un método reduccionista (explicando la cosa a través de sus partes) como es el de la Ciencia moderna. Los científicos pasarán a ser Filósofos de la Naturaleza: todos los ángulos del fenómeno (medibles y no) serán considerados simultaneamente.

Renaissance began in 1200s

The Renaissance didn’t start in 1400s but in 1200s. The arts that blossomed in the 1400s are a manifestation of changes in worldview in 1200s, delayed by the Black Death of 1300s

Salary not necessary

The phenomenon of voluntary collaboration through Internet (wiki) shows that the best compensation for a job is making it relevant

Open and Censored: the yin yang of a successful culture

The secret for the success of Wikipedia is not to be open (a lot of webpages are open to anybody to write in) but to be a combination of Open + Edited: open but controlled (censored) and standardized.
This is also the key of sucess of a culture. For example, United States 1850-1950: anyone can come, but this is our lifestyle our standards. Roman Empire fell when not enough persons were enough convinced of the Roman values to impose them to an increasingly open society.
And, as with any yin yang or dialectic, you cannot compensate one with the other, both have to be in place.

Long Live Dictators of the World

20 and 21th century history taught us that, forcing a dictator out by the international community, is worst than suffering him. The power vacuum makes the people more miserable than the iron fist. Only each nation can get rid of its own tyrants, when they feel the time has come.