Enough History of Governments

History we study at schools is 95% history of governments (kings and wars). Our fixation with power has prevented us from learning the important things form the past

The air in the assets bubbles

The population explosion of the Industrial Revolution caused a gigantic tide of savings which is seeking a place to be invested: this is the air in all assets bubbles duing 20 and 21 century

What history is made of

Nature + Purpose = Evolution.
Evolution + Free Will = History

El gran yin-yang de la historia del pensamiento

Toda la historia de las ideas puede resumirse en un movimiento pendular, un yin -yang, entre a) buscar la explicación en el todo (platonismo / holismo) y b) buscarla en las partes (atomismo / reduccionismo).

Los motores de la Historia

Las tres fuerzas que mueven la Historia son las ideas, los intereses y la libertad

Wars of religion never existed

Wars of religion never existed Wars of religion are wars of politics where the label to differentiate the parties is religious.